Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Longest Road Trip

Last year we drove from Blue Hill, Maine to Sun Valley, Idaho.  It took us 7 days.
Here is Morgan on Day 1.  She looks pretty happy!  Let's go!

Day 3, and still pretty happy!  She is easily amused by playing with her feet.
This was our easiest drive day, we drove from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Columbus, Ohio.

Day 4.  She is sporting sunglasses and she has snacks.
This trip is going to be so easy!
Today was a little harder drive, Columbus, Ohio to Kansas City, Missouri.

Day 5.  We are starting to get cranky.  Really cranky.
If I hear "Are we there yet" one more time I'm going to flip out.
Crazy long drive from Kansas City, Missouri to Denver, Colorado.
Both Morgan and I had melt downs in Kansas.  We cried.

Day 6.  She actually said "I can't take it any more".  Me too.
Denver, Colorado to Salt Lake City, Utah.
Just one more day!  Let's go!  Pep talks didn't work.

Morgan said next time she will drive her own car.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Barn pets

Morgan is bummed she can't keep this little guy and let him live in the barn.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Views from three kitchen windows

East View.  Barn.  Corral.  No horses.  Goal:  Vegetable Garden.

North View.  Maybe Vegetable Garden too Ambitious.  New Goal:  Small Vegetable Garden.

South View.  Deck!  Grill!  Herbs!
Great View of Baldy Mountain where we ski.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Skiing with Morgan

This girl has a lot of gear!  It is truly an event to get everything together - her stuff, my stuff, extra stuff.  Lucky for us, Dollar Mountain is only 5 minutes away.  And my husband bought me a very stylish bag to tote all of our gear.  Morgan's skis are so short, I think they could fit in my pocket.

As Spongebob would say, I'm Ready!  I'm Ready!

This sign is great.  I never saw signs like this back in Pittsburgh!

Have a great day.  

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Best Movers in the World!

Our furniture arrived from Pittsburgh!  These fine men unloaded all of our stuff from 7:00 am to noon.  We caused quite a commotion on Hulen Way, and we met some really nice neighbors.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Ohmygosh this was the prettiest fish.  We love Pompano.  But we don't know how to fillet.  We ended up with scraps.  We tried to recover and made Pompano Ceviche  ?   Does that even exist?  We blew that too.  We recovered again and ordered a pizza.

Hummingbird Tiles

I love this tile!  I want to use this in the guest bathroom downstairs.  Mix it up with some white tiles in the backsplash, add a few random tiles to the countertop.