Thursday, December 15, 2011

Our holiday card, propped against our deck window facing ski mountain.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

- 3 degrees this morning.  Too cold to ski.  Stayed in and baked cookies with Morgan.  No two alike!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Moose returns

I cannot take credit for these photos.  These were taken by my 7 year old daughter Morgan!  She was playing in her room after school and shocked to see this moose outside her window.  Did she scream?  No.  Did she cry?  No.  She did what her mommy would do - She grabbed her camera!  Way to go Morgan.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The lettuce is up!

We took a walk down to the garden.

The lettuce is up!

Oh dear, the sprinklers came on.
Run Patches!  Run Morgan!

Time to explore the barn.

Morgan likes to pretend she is doing
"farm chores" in the barn.

All clean!

Morgan checks out the garden

I am checking out Morgan from my kitchen
window, as she checks out my garden.
I call out "Morgan!  Is the lettuce up?"
She looks like a tiny dot down there.

She calls back "No.  Why did you plant lettuce?"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Good Morning

I drank my morning coffee and watched this little
guy for the longest time.  I even
asked him to hang around while I got
my camera.  He sang the sweetest songs.

Monday, May 9, 2011

My first garden!

I always wanted a vegetable garden.  We moved to Sun Valley, Idaho two years ago.  Everyone said "short growing season"   "good luck with that"   "you can't grow a thing here"  Everyone was so negative, until  Evergreen Landscaping came to help me.  Jessica was even more enthusiastic than I was.  So sweet!  and Jay came and worked his magic, even thought it was his birthday and he had a broken foot.  We chose a spot in the corral and they brought crew, trucks, rototillers, all the tools to make my little dream a reality.

Here is a little portion of the corral.
Jessica said "good soil".  
I trusted.

Here come the crew!  Rototillers!
Dig!  Move!  Mix!

Here's Jay, broken foot, he seems to love doing this.

My finished little patch of future veggies.  
I'm going to prove them all wrong.  
I'm going to grow!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Elk in the yard

Here they come!

I do believe this one is mocking me.

They are all headed for the barn.
John thinks they smell they hay.

Leaving, after filling their tummies with
scrubby bushes and hay.

We told Morgan they are reindeer.